Benefits of Encapsulating Your Crawl Space | Pier Magic

March 13, 2023

Musty and Mildew Smells? Your Home's Crawl Space Could be the Source.

Have you begun to smell the mildew smell permeating throughout your home? Notice condensation on the windows? Sinking floors? Insects/animals nesting under your home? If you answered yes to any of these, you could be a candidate for crawl space encapsulation. Companies like PierMagic offer several options that can seal the area between the floor and the ground beneath your foundation.

To begin, what's a crawl space and what's the purpose of it?

As described in, a crawl space is a narrow gap between the underside of a house and the ground that provides enough elevation for a person to crawl around. As the name indicates, a crawl space is not tall enough to stand up in and can be very narrow depending on the property. The minimum crawl space height required by the Federal Housing Administration is 18 inches, but crawl spaces can be taller, often up to 3 feet. The low clearance combined with potential exposure to mold, pests or standing water makes a crawl space unpleasant.

The next logical question many homeowners ask is "so, what's in a crawl space?" Again, according to,  the below is a comprehensive list of things you will find in a standard crawl space. As you can tell, there are many areas that need attention or maintenance as issues can arise in the crawl space, including structural, foundation, water and moisture issues, and mold/mildew concerns.

  • Floor joists. Serving as the ceiling of your crawl space, the underside of the floor of your home is supported by joists, which are solid pieces of wood or steel that run parallel and support the house’s structure.
  • Footings. These are concrete blocks that are either buried or partially buried, serving as the base of the raised foundation of the house.
  • Beams and girder. Compared to joists, beams carry more weight and play a more integral role in supporting the structure. A girder is the main beam, often located in the middle of the underside of the floor. 
  • Pier. This is a vertical post, column or block that supports the girder or other beams, connected to footing.
  • Vents. A crawl space should have ventilation to allow air to escape from under the house.
  • Insulation. Either located between floor joists or along the walls of the crawl space, insulation keeps your home more energy efficient.
  • Plumbing. A crawl space is the perfect place for plumbing to run under floors and allows for fairly easy access when a repair is needed.
  • Electrical wiring. Similar to plumbing, electrical wiring running under your floors makes it easy for an electrician to access.
  • Ducts. Your HVAC system can run ducts in the crawl space to avoid placing ducts above the ceiling or having them exposed in the interior of the house.
  • Vapor barrier. A vapor barrier is often white and looks like a plastic sheet covering the entire crawl space, making it appear cleaner and reducing the risk of moisture and mold growth. Many crawl spaces don’t initially have vapor barriers; they're often installed only after moisture issues arise.

So, the crawl space is obviously an important part of your home's functionality, however it is often overlooked and ignored until there are issues. Let's explore the 5 Reasons to Encapsulate Your Home's Crawl Space.

  • Remove the musty odors permeating throughout your home (mildew and mold)
  • Control the moisture throughout your home
  • Insulation benefits
  • Ensure Insects or animals don't reside inside the crawl space
  • Wood rotting and structural damage (foundation damage)

If you've noticed any of the following, you may need to find a crawl space inspector to come out for a free estimate. Luckily, PierMagic is located in Kansas City and services hundreds of homeowners each year with some of the same issues you may be experiencing.

  • Mildew/muggy smell (one of the biggest, most obvious sign)
  • Sinking walls
  • Rodents under your home
  • Cold or uneven floors
  • High (inefficient) utility bills
  • Groundwater seepage/pooling
  • Sagging floors

PierMagic Foundation Specialists offers a comprehensive crawl space solution that can repair any list of issues stemming from that area. Solutions include improving your home's air quality and ventilation, eliminating moisture, install a water and vapor barrier, patch and close any openings for rodent and pests, and more. The different between PierMagic and other companies in Kansas City that offer crawl space encapsulation, is that the PierMagic team is experienced with foundation and drainage repairs. Our crew has extensive experience with Kansas City's clay soil and how it interacts with the crawl space.

Angi's recently published an article titled, "How Much Does It Cost to Encapsulate a Crawl Space?"  Some companies offer a one-size-fits-all mentality, which isn't conducive for all homeowners. Not all homes require the exact same products and solutions. This article highlights the cost breakdown, including the following aspects:

  • Inspection
  • Drainage and Cleaning
  • Foundation Waterproofing
  • Foundation Wall Insulation
  • Vapor Barrier Installation
  • Sealing Vents/Holes
  • Drainage System (sump pump, French drains)

If you have noticed a smell that seems mildewy, reach out for a free estimate. If nothing else, this smell can be damaging your families health. The limited air flow and moisture in your crawl space will have a negative impact on your family's air quality.  We've outlined the 5 Reasons to Encapsulate Your Home's Crawl Space - are you ready for a free estimate?

Be sure to do your homework and ask questions! If you need any advice or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to PierMagic. We're here to help. 816-765-4800.

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