Foundation Wall Anchoring System

Foundation Wall Anchoring in kansas city

PierMagic Foundation Specialists is passionate about keeping your family and your greatest asset (your home) safe and secure. We offer top expertise and experience in foundation repair, basement waterproofing, concrete leveling, crack sealing, crawl space encapsulation and more. In 2007, we created this business to focus on foundation safety, and now 15 years later, we continue to demonstrate exceptional customer service, fair pricing, and quality workmanship.

Foundation Repair Companies Kansas City
Foundation Repair Companies Kansas City
Foundation Repair Companies Kansas City
Foundation Wall Anchoring System

Foundation Wall Anchoring in kansas city

PierMagic is Kansas City's leading foundation repair company passionate about keeping your family your home safe and secure. We offer decades of experience in foundation repair, wall piers, anchoring, and basement waterproofing. In 2007, we created this business to focus on foundation and home safety. Now 15 years later, we continue to demonstrate exceptional customer service, fair pricing, and quality workmanship.

Foundation Repair Companies Kansas City
Foundation Repair Companies Kansas City
Foundation Repair Companies Kansas City

Do You Have Questions About Foundation Repair? Check Out Our Ultimate Foundation Repair Guide To Learn More!

We're the Wall Anchoring foundation specialists

PierMagic® Foundation Specialists offers a comprehensive wall bracing repair plan. Options include: helical tiebacks, I beams or deadman anchors. We can combine this with excavating the foundation wall to add drainage and back fill with 90% washed gravel and 10% soil for vegetation and land scraping. This approach puts the foundation back under the structure it was meant to support, manages water near the foundation, and reduces the pressure on the wall. We will find the problem, assess the damage, and propose the most effective solution.

Wall Anchoring Solutions

Bowing walls can cause serious structural damage to your home. When a wall bows inward, the structure is supported less by the foundation.

2 Methods of Repairing Bowing Walls

"I" beam wall braces and tie back wall anchors are two methods to deal with bowing walls.

  • "I" beam braces, along with water management on the outer side of the wall, are a very effective means of stabilizing the wall when it has undergone a minimal amount of inward movement. This is a way of reinforcing the wall against the pressures being exerted on the wall.
  • Tie backs: When a wall has moved inward to the point of needing to be straightened, tie back wall anchors are ideal. Our approach is to attack the source of the problem, the soil and water. 

Solutions Built for

Missouri & Kansas

We take pride in living, working, and giving back to Kansas City communities. We are truly passionate about foundation repair and keeping Kansas City homes safe.

What sets us apart from other foundation repair companies?

We are experts on the Missouri and Kansas soil and have extensive experience and education on how a foundation reactions to the clay specific to our area.  We are not a typical national foundation repair company that sets up a remote office in Kansas City. We are different than large corporations. We educate our team on the intricacies of foundation repair specifically to Kansas and Missouri. 

Top 10 foundation repair companies in Kansas City - Piermagic

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Wall Anchoring foundation specialists

PierMagic® Foundation Specialists offers a comprehensive wall bracing repair plan. Options include: helical tiebacks, I beams or deadman anchors. We can combine this with excavating the foundation wall to add drainage and back fill with 90% washed gravel and 10% soil for vegetation and landscaping. This approach puts the foundation back under the structure it was meant to support, manages water near the foundation, and reduces the pressure on the wall. We will find the problem, assess the damage, and propose the most effective solution.

Learn more about financing options here

Wall Anchoring Solutions

Bowing walls can cause serious structural damage to your home. When a wall bows inward, the structure is supported less by the foundation.

2 Methods of Repairing Bowing Walls

"I" beam wall braces and tie back wall anchors are two methods to deal with bowing walls.

  • "I" beam braces, along with water management on the outer side of the wall, are a very effective means of stabilizing the wall when it has undergone a minimal amount of inward movement. This is a way of reinforcing the wall against the pressures being exerted on the wall.
  • Tie backs: When a wall has moved inward to the point of needing to be straightened, tie back wall anchors are ideal. Our approach is to attack the source of the problem, the soil and water. 

Solutions Built for

Missouri & Kansas

We take pride in living, working, and giving back to Kansas City communities. We are truly passionate about foundation repair and keeping Kansas City homes safe.

What sets us apart from other foundation wall anchoring companies?

We are experts on Missouri and Kansas soil and have extensive experience and education on foundation wall piering and anchoring.  We are not a typical national foundation repair company that sets up a remote office in Kansas City. Our team is ready to tackle your foundation questions - reach out for a free estimate

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Cracked Foundation

Here To Serve You!

We welcome an opportunity to answer your foundation or wall anchoring questions. As always, we offer free inspections.

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