Epoxy Crack Sealing

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foundation cracks
April 15, 2024
Check out the article that highlights the Most Effective Way to Repair Foundation Cracks, and how to determine if they're impacting your home's foundation.
epoxy crack injections vs waterproofing
May 12, 2023
Basement Waterproofing vs. Epoxy Injections? Let the foundation repair experts in KC explain the differences & when to use each method.
a man quizzically looks at his phone
September 5, 2022
Will the repair be expensive? Who can I trust? Should I consider local or national chains? Read here as we answer these questions and more.
foundation cracks
By Jaclyn Nikodym October 12, 2021
Cracks in a basement foundation or crawl space wall are common anywhere, and when extreme weather fluctuates. The freeze/thaw cycle in winter allows for water to get into the cracks, freezing, then expanding, increasing the damage to your foundation, and making the cracks worse. Then the summer droughts can crumble and crackle to worsen.
buckling foundations in kansas city
By Jaclyn Nikodym July 15, 2021
Foundation walls don’t just bow or buckle overnight. The process can progress slowly over the years, so by the time you realize it, the damage has been done. Bowing walls are typically caused by the force of hydrostatic pressure. One may ask…. What is hydrostatic pressure and why would that result in foundation damage? Read this article for more information on Reasons Your Foundation Could Buckle.
kansas city fountains on the country club plaza
May 7, 2018
Just because we are no longer in thunderstorm season and rainfall has stopped, doesn’t necessarily mean your basement is guaranteed to stay dry. Now we need to focus on snowfall and what steps to take to prevent this melting snow from entering into your basement. Water in your basement can lead to serious foundation problems. Both new and old homes are susceptible to water damage. The problem is, there are multiple ways for water to get into your basement. Luckily, we have a solution for them all! Some common foundation problems include, water leaking over the top of the foundation, leaking floor cracks, water seeping between the basement wall and floor, leaking wall cracks and leaking windows. If any of these signs are present in your home, it is best to get them looked at immediately. The quicker you can fix the source of the problem, the more money it will end up saving you in the long run. Depending on the situation, you can fix these problems with a few different techniques.
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