Top Reasons to Encapsulate a Crawl Space

March 30, 2023

See and feel the benefits of crawl space encapsulation

crawl space encapsulation

Let's first understand what a crawl space is, and why in the world we should be concerned about it. According to wikipediaA crawl space is an unoccupied, unfinished, narrow space within a building, between the ground and the first (or ground) floor. The crawl space is so named because there is typically only enough room to crawl rather than stand; anything larger than about 3 ft to 4 ft 11 in) and beneath the ground floor would tend to be considered a basement.

A crawl space can house many important elements of your home's functionality, including your plumbing, electrical wiring, and HVAC equipment. The crawl space always vents to the outside instead of venting to the interior, like a basement does.

So, if the crawl space isn't something you think about often (out of sight/out of mind), how or why would you ever discover you needed to address issues stemming from it? Have you ever encountered any of the following issues?

  • Mold/mildew smell (musty)
  • Pests, rodents, small animals nesting under your home
  • Floors sinking
  • Structural foundation issues
  • Inefficient heating and cooling (energy) bills
  • Room temperature fluctuations (one room is super hot in summer; then super cold in winter)
  • Cold floors (hardwood floors don't hold heat)
  • Health concerns - poor respiratory quality
  • Water seeping into your basement

If you've encountered any of the above, you may want to seek an expert assessment of your home's foundation and crawl space. We know that a home typically loses 40% of energy through the attic, and 25% through your crawl space. This is not an energy efficient situation if your warm and cool air is escaping and not being held into your home. This consequently results in higher energy bills and uncomfortable room temperatures (too hot or too cold).

So a resident's question most likely will be... so why would I consider crawl space encapsulation

Companies like PierMagic offer many solutions when it comes to your home's moisture or inefficiency issues. Here are a few options:

  1. Spray Foam Insulation is a great investment for many reasons. Encapsulation will boost your home's value, reduce your energy bills, and increase comfortability.
  2. Increased Energy Efficiency: The more cool and warm air that escapes from your crawl space, the more your heater/AC is running. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star program estimates that by adding insulation and sealing air leaks, you could save up to 20% on your monthly energy bills.
  3. Cleaner Air; Lower Respiratory Issues: Spray foam is the most effective insulant to seal in your clean air, and keep the allergens and pollen out.
  4. Rotting, Mold and Mildew: A poorly insulated crawl space and home allows many allergens into your space, including pollen, dirt, mold, and mildew. Insulating your space with spray foam will prevent and block off the cracks and leaks, eliminating the mold and mildew within the home. 
  5. Moisture Barrier: One of the big reasons the crawl space has issues is water seeping into the area. A solution that PierMagic typically recommends in this situation (could be combination of other solutions) is spray foam insulatio. This service can provide a moisture and air barrier within the home. Typically moisture comes into the house through air leaks, cracks, or gaps. Without proper insulation, spray foam insulation, moisture can create mold and mildew issues, and further respiratory issues. Once spray foam is installed, the home is fully conditioned and will eliminate any water passage.
  6. Sump Pumps sit in the basement and pump out water that collects in the basin. The main goal is to pump the water back out to the outdoors. Companies like PierMagic offer sump pump backups, which are battery operated in case the power goes out, and you need the pump to continue doing its job. A sump pump is a relatively inexpensive item that can protect your home from unwanted water.
  7. Basement Waterproofing can come in many forms. Professional crews can come out to a home and review the source of the water. Some, including PierMagic, many suggest installing a waterproofing barrier and then replacing the soil around your foundation with a new footing drain and gravel. Our crew then leaves enough soil on top for grass or landscaping plants to grow so your foundation looks normal.
  8. Downspouts - sounds simple, but it's critical in foundation repair and waterproofing needs. When it rains, grab those rain boots and walk around outside. Do you see any new water entry, any pooling water, cracks, or even uneven dirt fill. Reach out for a free estimate on downspout extenders, or burying the downspouts for a better option to reduce the moisture.

RELATED: Case suited: Wall Cracks, Foundation Repair, and Drainage Solutions

We've explored many of the Top Reasons to Encapsulate a Crawl Space, so what's your next step? 

Check for any water entering your home. Check for odors.   Check for pooled water or water coming into your basement through cracks. If you're ready to address these issues, reach out for a free estimate. 816-765-4800

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