Get Answers to Your Foundation Questions

A Definitive Guide Written By PierMagic Foundation Specialist

Repairing your foundation may seem stressful, expensive and even scary, that's why we have developed "The Definitive Guide to Foundation Repair". This guide was created with one purpose in mind and that is to answer all the common questions you as a homeowner have when dealing with foundation issues.





A Definitive Guide Written By PierMagic Foundation Specialist

Repairing your foundation may seem stressful, expensive and even scary, that's why we have developed "The Definitive Guide to Foundation Repair". This guide was created with one purpose in mind and that is to answer all the common questions you as a homeowner have when dealing with foundation issues.

INDEX - Ultimate Foundation Repair Guide

Ultimate Foundation Repair Guide

What is foundation repair?

Foundation repair is the act of repairing the concrete footing in which your home rests on. The repair process itself is commonly referred to as foundation leveling or house leveling and could mean several things depending on what is happening in the home. 

what is foundation repair

What is foundation repair?

Foundation repair is the act of repairing the concrete footing in which your home rests on. The repair process itself is commonly referred to as foundation leveling or house leveling and could mean several things depending on what is happening in the home.  From piering to wall pushbacks, foundation repairs can vary in severity, cost, and timelines.

Cracked concrete with a small carboard cut out of a home on top
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Why is foundation repair necessary?

Just as life is full of stress and pressure, your home's foundation has a huge responsibility to remain stable, solid, and structurally sound. It is literally the base of your home and should not be neglected. Just as we manage our own health, your foundation's health should be assessed and reviewed.

There are many signs that your foundation needs to be assessed by an expert, including the following:

  • Uneven floors throughout your home

  • Sticking Doors


A typical home is built on a foundation that naturally settles. The normal settlement is due to the foundation adapting to the soil conditions, its environment, and the new concrete. However, as the home and foundation age, if issues become apparent, it’s imperative repairs are made to protect your asset from further damage and to keep everyone safe within the house.


The foundation is the bones of the house, there could be structural issues, water issues, or a combination of both. In the Midwest, “floating foundations” are built, which basically mean the house is “floating” in the top layer of the soil profile. As the structure sits in the soil, it can be affected by several factors; water of which is the biggest influencer.  Another factor for the midwest is the susceptibility of droughts. Dry soil will crumble and contract, resulting in an unstable soil platform for the foundation to rest upon.

This means water could actively be coming in the home, or swelling the soil, or even causing erosion which takes the soil away. The results of these situations will require foundation repair. The solutions needed can and should be discussed with a reputable foundation repair company to determine the best actual solution for your specific issues. 

Collapsed concrete building debris with steel reinforcements visible
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Why is foundation repair necessary?

Just as life is full of stress and pressure, your home's foundation has a huge responsibility to remain stable, solid, and structurally sound. It is literally the base of your home and should not be neglected. Just as we manage our own health, your foundation's health should be assessed and reviewed.

There are many signs that your foundation needs to be assessed by an expert, including the following:

  • Cracking/Crumbling in your bricks, masonry, or concrete

  • Uneven floors throughout your home

  • Bowing walls

  • Water issues in your basement

  • Sticking Doors


A typical home is built on a foundation that naturally settles. The normal settlement is due to the foundation adapting to the soil conditions, its environment, and the new concrete. However, as the home and foundation age, if issues become apparent, it’s imperative repairs are made to protect your asset from further damage and to keep everyone safe within the house.


The foundation is the bones of the house, there could be structural issues, water issues, or a combination of both. In the Midwest, “floating foundations” are built, which basically mean the house is “floating” in the top layer of the soil profile. As the structure sits in the soil, it can be affected by several factors; water of which is the biggest influencer.

This means water could actively be coming in the home, or swelling the soil, or even causing erosion which takes the soil away. The results of these situations will require foundation repair. The solutions needed can and should be discussed with a reputable foundation repair company to determine the best actual solution for your specific issues. 

crumbling home foundatino

What is the purpose of your home's foundation?

Wooden framing structure of a house under construction

Your home’s foundation serves many purposes, including supporting and bearing the load of your home, anchoring it against natural forces (tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.), and repelling against ground moisture. 

In addition, the purpose of your home’s foundation also: 


  • Provides a sturdy, and even, base for your home
  • Keeps moisture out of your home 
  • Stabilizes your home from natural settlement and movement
  • Acts as a protecting layer against the cold, heat, and water

The importance of your home’s foundation is greatly dependent on the soil conditions and type of land your home or building is built on. 

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What is the purpose of your home's foundation?

new home with frame up

Your home’s foundation serves many purposes, including supporting and bearing the load of your home, anchoring it against natural forces (tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.), and repelling against ground moisture. 

In addition, the purpose of your home’s foundation also: 


  • Provides a sturdy, and even, base for your home
  • Keeps moisture out of your home 
  • Stabilizes your home from natural settlement and movement
  • Acts as a protecting layer against the cold, heat, and water

The importance of your home’s foundation is greatly dependent on the soil conditions and type of land your home or building is built on. 

Is it safe to live in a home with foundation damage?

Short answer… it may be safe to live in a home with foundation damage until it isn’t. The foundation of your home is the pinnacle of everything keeping your home safe. If the foundation is damaged, there is cause for concern that the home will sustain extensive damage, resulting in an unsafe situation. The safety of the family living inside of the home is at jeopardy when a foundation is damaged, so repairs should be seriously considered when foundation damages are first noticed.

Another element of this is resale value. When a potential buyer is interested in your home and brings in an inspector, nobody ever wants to hear foundation damage as an issue needing repairs. Eliminating the repair list is huge to optimize resale value. If you know your home needs foundation repairs, don't put them off. It will cost you more in the long run!

An old brick building with a tree in front of it
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Is it safe to live in a home with foundation damage?

Short answer… it may be safe to live in a home with foundation damage until it isn’t. The foundation of your home is the pinnacle of everything keeping your home safe. If the foundation is damaged, there is cause for concern that the home will sustain extensive damage, resulting in an unsafe situation. The safety of the family living inside of the home is at jeopardy when a foundation is damaged, so repairs should be seriously considered when foundation damages are first noticed. 

tree falling on a home

What are the causes of foundation problems?

Foundation problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including soil composition, moisture content, seasonal temperature and precipitation fluctuations, and other foundation damages. Let’s explore each cause of foundation problems a bit further to better understand how we can prevent this issue.

What are the causes of foundation problems?

Foundation problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including soil composition, moisture content, seasonal temperature and precipitation fluctuations, and other foundation damages. Let’s explore each cause of foundation problems a bit further to better understand how we can prevent this issue.

- Soil & Moisture

Homes weigh hundreds of tons. The earth, soil, and moisture content underneath the foundation has direct impact on the current state of a foundation. If you’ve ever noticed creaking floors, sticking windows or doors, or cracks along your walls or foundation, you have likely experienced the first signs of foundation damage. The soil in Missouri and Kansas is a thicker clay which is heavy and can put pressure on foundation walls, causing damage. 

- Soil & Moisture

Homes weigh hundreds of tons. The earth, soil, and moisture content underneath the foundation has direct impact on the current state of a foundation. If you’ve ever noticed creaking floors, sticking windows or doors, or cracks along your walls or foundation, you have likely experienced the first signs of foundation damage. The soil in Missouri and Kansas is a thicker clay which is heavy and can put pressure on foundation walls, causing damage. 

- Temperature Fluctuations

The Midwest is most definitely known for its four seasons. Within those seasons, the temperatures and precipitation can differ greatly – from sleet/ice and snow to droughts and 100+ degree summer days, temperature variations of this type can damage your foundation. Foundation issues can arise when the winter’s freezing and thawing cycle kicks into gear, as the moisture becomes trapped under the foundation. When the water freezes creating ice, the foundation will sustain pressure and can result in foundation cracks. The foundation problems are a direct result of the expanding and contracting of the soil under your home’s surface. 

- Temperature Fluctuations

The Midwest is most definitely known for its four seasons. Within those seasons, the temperatures and precipitation can differ greatly – from sleet/ice and snow to droughts and 100+ degree summer days, temperature variations of this type can damage your foundation. Foundation issues can arise when the winter’s freezing and thawing cycle kicks into gear, as the moisture becomes trapped under the foundation. When the water freezes creating ice, the foundation will sustain pressure and can result in foundation cracks. The foundation problems are a direct result of the expanding and contracting of the soil under your home’s surface. 

- Water

Water can cause severe damage to your home’s foundation if not addressed. You have a few solutions you can do to ensure water flows away from your home, including naturally sloping the earth (dirt, rock, soil, land) away from your house, keep your gutters and downspouts clean so the rain can flow throughout without interruption.

The higher the water table up against the foundation, the more weight and pressure it causes. This water expands and contracts drastically (and sometimes freezes) as the temperature changes, which continually adds and takes away pressure on your walls. As hydrostatic pressure increases, water will enter your basement any way it can, seeping through porous concrete and block wall foundations, working through cracks, seeping through the wall joint, and entering your basement.

The swelling of the earth under your foundation can actually lift up your house! When water dries out around your foundation, the house may settle down again. Exterior pressure against your wall decreases dramatically as the soil shrinks, causing expanding and shrinking, which creates lateral pressure on the basement walls that can create horizontal cracks and step cracks which can weaken the walls. In some cases, the soil is both wet in some areas around the foundation and dry in others. When this happens, pressure on your basement walls from the outside is unevenly distributed, forcing strain on some walls or sections of walls more than others and causing cracks.

- Water

Water can cause severe damage to your home’s foundation if not addressed. You have a few solutions you can do to ensure water flows away from your home, including naturally sloping the earth (dirt, rock, soil, land) away from your house, keep your gutters and downspouts clean so the rain can flow throughout without interruption.

The higher the water table up against the foundation, the more weight and pressure it causes. This water expands and contracts drastically (and sometimes freezes) as the temperature changes, which continually adds and takes away pressure on your walls. As hydrostatic pressure increases, water will enter your basement any way it can, seeping through porous concrete and block wall foundations, working through cracks, seeping through the wall joint, and entering your basement.

The swelling of the earth under your foundation can actually lift up your house! When water dries out around your foundation, the house may settle down again. Exterior pressure against your wall decreases dramatically as the soil shrinks, causing expanding and shrinking, which creates lateral pressure on the basement walls that can create horizontal cracks and step cracks which can weaken the walls. In some cases, the soil is both wet in some areas around the foundation and dry in others. When this happens, pressure on your basement walls from the outside is unevenly distributed, forcing strain on some walls or sections of walls more than others and causing cracks.

- Trees & Animals

Did you know...

Water and soil aren’t the only factors that cause foundation damage. Tree roots can greatly damage foundation walls when they grow. As they grow, they can swell against the foundation of a house, pushing against the walls. They can also work their way into cracks and gaps in the walls and move underneath the foundation, pushing upwards on the house and causing the house to settle poorly as the earth dries. Tree roots on one side of the house will dry the earth on that side unevenly. 

As an example, a tree that is 12 inches in diameter and 30 feet tall can absorb about 150 gallons of water per day during midsummer. This means that there is water on one side adding pressure to the foundations and not on the other. When the ground is wet, water tends to travel along the paths of tree roots as well as passages created by digging animals, underground water pipes, and electrical lines. If these roots and tunnels lead to the foundation walls, water is being guided along directly to your basement walls.

- Trees & Animals

Did you know...

Water and soil aren’t the only factors that cause foundation damage. Tree roots can greatly damage foundation walls when they grow. As they grow, they can swell against the foundation of a house, pushing against the walls. They can also work their way into cracks and gaps in the walls and move underneath the foundation, pushing upwards on the house and causing the house to settle poorly as the earth dries. Tree roots on one side of the house will dry the earth on that side unevenly. 

As an example, a tree that is 12 inches in diameter and 30 feet tall can absorb about 150 gallons of water per day during midsummer. This means that there is water on one side adding pressure to the foundations and not on the other. When the ground is wet, water tends to travel along the paths of tree roots as well as passages created by digging animals, underground water pipes, and electrical lines. If these roots and tunnels lead to the foundation walls, water is being guided along directly to your basement walls.

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What are the tell-tale signs of foundation damage?

As a homeowner, foundation damage can be one of the most intimidating problems to encounter. If you begin to see any of the below tell-tale signs of foundation damage, don’t turn a blind eye. It’s time to face the signs of foundation damage so you are able to determine the best repair solutions. Below are the tell-tale signs to continue monitoring around your home:


  • Visible Cracks
  • Cracks in plaster walls
  • Basement wall cracks that extend from floor to ceiling
  • Doors that stick
  • Sagging floors
  • Pooling water near a slab foundation
  • Wet crawl space after precipitation falls
  • Uneven or sticking windows and doors
  • Floor or ceiling Unevenness
  • Age of the home
  • The older your home is, the more susceptible your foundation has been to normal wear and tear. Compared to an aging homeowner, your foundation (or your health) needs to be monitored so issues can be addressed immediately.
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What are the tell-tale signs of foundation damage?

As a homeowner, foundation damage can be one of the most intimidating problems to encounter. If you begin to see any of the below tell-tale signs of foundation damage, don’t turn a blind eye. It’s time to face the signs of foundation damage so you are able to determine the best repair solutions. Below are the tell-tale signs to continue monitoring around your home:


  • Visible Cracks
  • Cracks in plaster walls
  • Basement wall cracks that extend from floor to ceiling
  • Doors that stick
  • Sagging floors
  • Pooling water near a slab foundation
  • Wet crawl space after precipitation falls
  • Uneven or sticking windows and doors
  • Floor or ceiling Unevenness
  • Age of the home
  • The older your home is, the more susceptible your foundation has been to normal wear and tear. Compared to an aging homeowner, your foundation (or your health) needs to be monitored so issues can be addressed immediately.

What foundation issues should I worry about and which are normal?

Any type of foundation, wall, or floor crack can be alarming, however not all cracks are bad. It’s normal for a foundation to sink and settle, developing tiny cracks within the first several years after construction.

However, horizontal cracks in the exterior of concrete walls of your basement can indicate more than just settling. If you have anything that is gradually becoming worse, it would be beneficial to have a professional assess the situation. Most reputable and licensed foundation repair companies offer free estimates, which can outline any of your normal wear and tear or more severely damaged foundation issues. If anything looks suspicious, it’s best to always have a professional take a look.

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What foundation issues should I worry about and which are normal?

Any type of foundation, wall, or floor crack can be alarming, however not all cracks are bad. It’s normal for a foundation to sink and settle, developing tiny cracks within the first several years after construction.

However, horizontal cracks in the exterior of concrete walls of your basement can indicate more than just settling. If you have anything that is gradually becoming worse, it would be beneficial to have a professional assess the situation. Most reputable and licensed foundation repair companies offer free estimates, which can outline any of your normal wear and tear or more severely damaged foundation issues. If anything looks suspicious, it’s best to always have a professional take a look.

Do all cracks warrant foundation repair?

Not all foundation cracks are worrisome. In fact, many cracks throughout your home can be chalked up to normal wear and tear on your home’s foundation and settlement and are easy to repair. Vertical foundation cracks are common in many homes and are non-threatening. They pose no true safety or integrity issues to the foundation and can easily be sealed with epoxy or polyurethane injections.

RELATED: Most Effective Way to Repair Foundation Cracks.

Horizontal cracks are worrisome and can represent serious structural damages. Once noticed within a home, horizontal cracks need to be monitored and assessed by a professional to ensure the rate of damage isn’t increasing at a dangerous pace. Moderate wall and foundation cracks are typically .2” to .6” in length. More serious cracks are generally above .6” and should warrant immediate attention. The reason horizontal cracks are more worrisome and require foundation repair is that they indicate an excessive amount of water pressure impacting your foundation. Then adding in external factors, like animals, insects, or water, and you have an overly weakened foundation.

The cracks within foundation walls that require foundation repairs typically fall into two main categories: vertical settlement, or horizontal wall movement.

  • Vertical settlement can happen by the entire home setting as one unit, which is an even settlement and a livable situation. Many houses will settle after construction and homeowners will never even realize it happened. However, vertical settlement that warrants foundation repair is when the house settles as one unit and tips in one direction. It will look like one side of the house is drooping and the other side is rising. This can result in cracks in the walls, doors and windows sticking or jamming up, and large cracks throughout the floors. This type of situation should be addressed by a foundation repair company for an applicable solution. Many will suggest piering to offset the load bearing responsibilities.
Vertical wall settlement
  • Horizontal wall movement typically occurs when there is excess moisture that is allowed to sit near the house, swelling the soil below the foundation. This hydraulic pressure can increase over time, as the wall moves inwards and allows for more soil to continue to move. The most common repair is bracing to strength the wall but will need to be evaluated by a foundation repair specialist to ensure this is the most effective solution.

To answer the question… do all cracks warranty foundation repair? No, but they all warrant an evaluation and expert opinion if they are outside of the ‘normal’ scope.

Horizontal wall settlement
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Do all cracks warrant foundation repair?

Not all foundation cracks are worrisome. In fact, many cracks throughout your home can be chalked up to normal wear and tear on your home’s foundation and settlement and are easy to repair. Vertical foundation cracks are common in many homes and are non-threatening. They pose no true safety or integrity issues to the foundation and can easily be sealed with epoxy or polyurethane injections.

RELATED: Most Effective Way to Repair Foundation Cracks.

Horizontal cracks are worrisome and can represent serious structural damages. Once noticed within a home, horizontal cracks need to be monitored and assessed by a professional to ensure the rate of damage isn’t increasing at a dangerous pace. Moderate wall and foundation cracks are typically .2” to .6” in length. More serious cracks are generally above .6” and should warrant immediate attention. The reason horizontal cracks are more worrisome and require foundation repair is that they indicate an excessive amount of water pressure impacting your foundation. Then adding in external factors, like animals, insects, or water, and you have an overly weakened foundation.

The cracks within foundation walls that require foundation repairs typically fall into two main categories: vertical settlement, or horizontal wall movement.

  • Vertical settlement can happen by the entire home setting as one unit, which is an even settlement and a livable situation. Many houses will settle after construction and homeowners will never even realize it happened. However, vertical settlement that warrants foundation repair is when the house settles as one unit and tips in one direction. It will look like one side of the house is drooping and the other side is rising. This can result in cracks in the walls, doors and windows sticking or jamming up, and large cracks throughout the floors. This type of situation should be addressed by a foundation repair company for an applicable solution. Many will suggest piering to offset the load bearing responsibilities.
horizontal cracks and bowed walls
  • Horizontal wall movement typically occurs when there is excess moisture that is allowed to sit near the house, swelling the soil below the foundation. This hydraulic pressure can increase over time, as the wall moves inwards and allows for more soil to continue to move. The most common repair is bracing to strength the wall but will need to be evaluated by a foundation repair specialist to ensure this is the most effective solution.

To answer the question… do all cracks warranty foundation repair? No, but they all warrant an evaluation and expert opinion if they are outside of the ‘normal’ scope.

vertical cracks in home's foundation walls

How do you prevent foundation damage?

The foundation is an imperative component of your home’s safety. Although there are many factors that cannot be prevented, there are some tips that homeowners can implement to prevent foundation damage.

Water Balance

  • If the soil beneath your foundation is too dry or too moist, the cycle of contracting and expanding begins, which can cause an unstable foundation. The ideal foundation rests upon a well-watered soil base. If this means a timed sprinkler system or a manual watering method should be implemented, it can prevent cracking, crumbling and instability.


  • Drainage systems should be in place to prevent extensive foundation damage. You should never have pooling water around your home’s foundation. Instead, find a way to redirect the water away from the foundation. There are many options out there for drainage solutions that are not costly and can do the job.

RELATED: 2 Practical Tips to Avoid Sump Pump Disasters


  • Downspouts are something that are typically overlooked until a huge rain or a blockage occurs, and attention is drawn to them… for the wrong reasons. You should set a monthly or quarterly reminder to clean out the downspouts and gutters to ensure they are able to carry the water away from the foundation. In addition, you can purchase extenders that allow the water to be pushed at least five feet away from the foundation.


  • Many locations across the United States experience the extreme cycles of weather – droughts and flooding. Both of these situations can be damaging to your home’s foundation and soil. For example, during the drought months, the soil becomes extremely dry. You will need to make sure the foundation is kept damp to prevent cracking and crumbling.


  • Landscaping is more than just pretty flowers and shrubs. Landscaping is a science that considers the degree of sloping away from your home; ensures all tree and shrub roots are strategically placed away from the foundation; and positioning of the lawn sprinklers to avoid a steady watering to the foundation.

RELATED: Can a tree falling cause foundation problems?

With your home’s foundation, some things simply cannot be avoided and are out of your control. However, preventing foundation damage for things you can control should be priority to maintain your home’s foundation stability and health.

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How do you prevent foundation damage?

The foundation is an imperative component of your home’s safety. Although there are many factors that cannot be prevented, there are some tips that homeowners can implement to prevent foundation damage.

Water Balance

  • If the soil beneath your foundation is too dry or too moist, the cycle of contracting and expanding begins, which can cause an unstable foundation. The ideal foundation rests upon a well-watered soil base. If this means a timed sprinkler system or a manual watering method should be implemented, it can prevent cracking, crumbling and instability.


  • Drainage systems should be in place to prevent extensive foundation damage. You should never have pooling water around your home’s foundation. Instead, find a way to redirect the water away from the foundation. There are many options out there for drainage solutions that are not costly and can do the job.

RELATED: 2 Practical Tips to Avoid Sump Pump Disasters


  • Downspouts are something that are typically overlooked until a huge rain or a blockage occurs, and attention is drawn to them… for the wrong reasons. You should set a monthly or quarterly reminder to clean out the downspouts and gutters to ensure they are able to carry the water away from the foundation. In addition, you can purchase extenders that allow the water to be pushed at least five feet away from the foundation.


  • Many locations across the United States experience the extreme cycles of weather – droughts and flooding. Both of these situations can be damaging to your home’s foundation and soil. For example, during the drought months, the soil becomes extremely dry. You will need to make sure the foundation is kept damp to prevent cracking and crumbling.


  • Landscaping is more than just pretty flowers and shrubs. Landscaping is a science that considers the degree of sloping away from your home; ensures all tree and shrub roots are strategically placed away from the foundation; and positioning of the lawn sprinklers to avoid a steady watering to the foundation.

RELATED: Can a tree falling cause foundation problems?

With your home’s foundation, some things simply cannot be avoided and are out of your control. However, preventing foundation damage for things you can control should be priority to maintain your home’s foundation stability and health.

Are all foundations created equally?

The foundation of a house is by far one of the most important aspects of the structure and is unique to any other foundation. Due to the soil composition under your home, no two foundations for any home are the same. Aside from the natural elements under the surface, each foundation differs also due to the demands of each building process.

Are all foundations created equally?

The foundation of a house is by far one of the most important aspects of the structure and is unique to any other foundation. Due to the soil composition under your home, no two foundations for any home are the same. Aside from the natural elements under the surface, each foundation differs also due to the demands of each building process.

Can you DIY your homes foundation?

Your home’s foundation is the most important part of its structure and should never be attempted as a DIY project. Sure, the thought of saving money or the satisfaction of pouring your own foundation could seem appealing, but the foundation literally is holding up your entire structure (literally and figuratively), so attempting to do it yourself poses so many additional risks and can ultimately be dangerous.

Professional foundation companies have the training, equipment, experience, licenses/permits, and resources to ensure the foundation is laid safely and securely. Instead of exerting your DIY efforts to your homes foundation, try other areas to pursue like interior painting, bathroom tiling, or even finishing your basement space.

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Can you DIY your homes foundation?

Your home’s foundation is the most important part of its structure and should never be attempted as a DIY project. Sure, the thought of saving money or the satisfaction of pouring your own foundation could seem appealing, but the foundation literally is holding up your entire structure (literally and figuratively), so attempting to do it yourself poses so many additional risks and can ultimately be dangerous.

Professional foundation companies have the training, equipment, experience, licenses/permits, and resources to ensure the foundation is laid safely and securely. Instead of exerting your DIY efforts to your homes foundation, try other areas to pursue like interior painting, bathroom tiling, or even finishing your basement space.

How are damaged foundations repaired?

Every foundation situation is different, so it’s not a cut and dry answer for how damaged foundations are repaired. However, some of the most common repair solutions are piering, anchoring, sealing, and polyjacking. After contacting and working with a reputable foundation repair company, a homeowner can review the company's suggestions and identify the foundation repairs that should be completed for the next course of action.

areas in your home's foundation that should be supported
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How are damaged foundations repaired?

Every foundation situation is different, so it’s not a cut and dry answer for how damaged foundations are repaired. However, some of the most common repair solutions are piering, anchoring, sealing, and polyjacking. After contacting and working with a reputable foundation repair company, a homeowner can review the company's suggestions and identify the foundation repairs that should be completed for the next course of action.

areas in your home's foundation that should be supported

What is foundation piering?

One of the repair methods for foundation damage is piering.

Foundation piering is used when the soil under the home’s foundation shrinks away due to settlement or evaporation. This will result in the foundation and home to sustain undue stress that will result in cracking throughout the home. Foundation piers are used to drive deep below the foundation to a strata of bedrock or into a very dense stable material that is capable of bearing the load of the structure.

One specific piering solution is the DynaPier system which combines galvanized steel and high-strength concrete, making it one of the strongest piering methods in the industry. Interlocking semgents are then hydraulically driven into the ground and attached below the footing transferring the weight of the structural load directly on top of the pier. This is the perfect mix of the greatest depth below the earth’s surface and the most effective position to provide the greatest support.

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What is foundation piering?

One of the repair methods for foundation damage is piering.

Foundation piering is used when the soil under the home’s foundation shrinks away due to settlement or evaporation. This will result in the foundation and home to sustain undue stress that will result in cracking throughout the home. Foundation piers are used to drive deep below the foundation to a strata of bedrock or into a very dense stable material that is capable of bearing the load of the structure.

One specific piering solution is the DynaPier system which combines galvanized steel and high-strength concrete, making it one of the strongest piering methods in the industry. Interlocking semgents are then hydraulically driven into the ground and attached below the footing transferring the weight of the structural load directly on top of the pier. This is the perfect mix of the greatest depth below the earth’s surface and the most effective position to provide the greatest support.

What is foundation anchoring?

One of the repair methods for foundation damage is anchoring. Bowing walls can cause serious structural damage to your home. When a wall bows inward, the structure is supported less by the foundation. Think about a standing tower of Jenga pieces... when one piece is pulled out, the tower swivels and becomes much less sturdy. The same for bowing walls. When the walls aren't fully upright and performing their #1 job of structural support, you will have foundation issues.

Foundation anchoring repairs can include helical tiebacks, I-beams, or deadman anchors. Utilizing one of these solutions is the first step. Then the next step is to excavate the foundation wall to add proper drainage flow, then back fill with 90% washed gravel and 10% soil for vegetation. This all-encompassing solution will help put the foundation back under the home's structure which it was meant to support. The anchoring solution will also help with water management around the foundation, reducing the pressure on the walls. 

RELATED: Reasons Your Foundation Could Buckle

Foundation acnhoring
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What is foundation anchoring?

One of the repair methods for foundation damage is anchoring. Bowing walls can cause serious structural damage to your home. When a wall bows inward, the structure is supported less by the foundation. Think about a standing tower of Jenga pieces... when one piece is pulled out, the tower swivels and becomes much less sturdy. The same for bowing walls. When the walls aren't fully upright and performing their #1 job of structural support, you will have foundation issues.

Foundation anchoring repairs can include helical tiebacks, I-beams, or deadman anchors. Utilizing one of these solutions is the first step. Then the next step is to excavate the foundation wall to add proper drainage flow, then back fill with 90% washed gravel and 10% soil for vegetation. This all-encompassing solution will help put the foundation back under the home's structure which it was meant to support. The anchoring solution will also help with water management around the foundation, reducing the pressure on the walls. 

RELATED: Reasons Your Foundation Could Buckle

water seeping from home's foundation

What is the best foundation solution for me?

Not all foundation is deemed unrepairable at the first signs of damage. At the first signs of foundation problems, the homeowner should reach out to a foundation specialist to receive a free estimate on the assessed damage. As a homeowner, it’s imperative you do your research and find a reputable company that is able to evaluate your foundation issues and provide the best solution possible.

Here are some solutions for foundation repairs:

Wall Anchors

"I" beam wall braces and tie back wall anchors are two methods to deal with bowing walls.

  • "I" beam braces, along with water management on the outer side of the wall, are a very effective means of stabilizing the wall when it has undergone a minimal amount of inward movement. This is a way of reinforcing the wall against the pressures being exerted on the wall.

  • Tie backs: When a wall has moved inward to the point of needing to be straightened, tie back wall anchors are ideal. Our approach is to attack the source of the problem, the soil and water.

Foundation Piering

  • Foundation piering has many options, including helical piers, push piers, or even DynaPier system, which combines galvanized steel and high-strength concrete making it one of the strongest foundation piers in the industry.

  • With DynaPier piering, interlocking segments are hydraulically driven into the ground. Besides its sheer strength, the installation adds to its effectiveness. Instead of being attached to the outside of the footing, the DynaPier system is installed beneath the footing transferring the weight of the structural load directly on top of the pier. This means the DynaPier system can achieve the greatest depth while also being in a position to provide the greatest support.

Crack Sealing

  • Epoxy
  • Epoxy injection should be used for cracks that need to be structurally repaired and serves more as a barrier that bonds and holds. Epoxies can add a great amount of strength to a foundation as they are known for their static condition. The epoxy injection process begins by cleaning the crack and the surrounding area of all debris. Injection ports are then inserted along the length of the crack. The epoxy is then injected through the ports until the crack is completely sealed.

  • Polyurethane Resin
  • Polyurethane resins are known for their flexibility. Depending on the size and mobility of the crack, the poly resin will move with the wall during expansion and contraction of the surrounding soils. This specially formulated polyurethane can even be injected into actively leaking cracks, stopping water within minutes.

The advantages include:

  • Flexibility
  • Sealing qualities of foundation walls
  • Eliminating air leaks
  • Repairing made from the interior
  • Stopping active leaks
  • Reducing humidity and water vapor permeation

Although there is no ‘one size fits all’ foundation repair solution, protect your investment and seek the most reputable and experienced company ties to offer estimates.

RELATED: Hear PierMagic's Tom Morefield discuss foundation repair solutions on the NARI Home Time radio show.

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What is the best foundation solution for me?

Not all foundation is deemed unrepairable at the first signs of damage. At the first signs of foundation problems, the homeowner should reach out to a foundation specialist to receive a free estimate on the assessed damage. As a homeowner, it’s imperative you do your research and find a reputable company that is able to evaluate your foundation issues and provide the best solution possible.

Here are some solutions for foundation repairs:

Wall Anchors

"I" beam wall braces and tie back wall anchors are two methods to deal with bowing walls.

  • "I" beam braces, along with water management on the outer side of the wall, are a very effective means of stabilizing the wall when it has undergone a minimal amount of inward movement. This is a way of reinforcing the wall against the pressures being exerted on the wall.

  • Tie backs: When a wall has moved inward to the point of needing to be straightened, tie back wall anchors are ideal. Our approach is to attack the source of the problem, the soil and water.

Foundation Piering

  • Foundation piering has many options, including helical piers, push piers, or even DynaPier system, which combines galvanized steel and high-strength concrete making it one of the strongest foundation piers in the industry.

  • With DynaPier piering, interlocking segments are hydraulically driven into the ground. Besides its sheer strength, the installation adds to its effectiveness. Instead of being attached to the outside of the footing, the DynaPier system is installed beneath the footing transferring the weight of the structural load directly on top of the pier. This means the DynaPier system can achieve the greatest depth while also being in a position to provide the greatest support.

Crack Sealing

  • Epoxy
  • Epoxy injection should be used for cracks that need to be structurally repaired and serves more as a barrier that bonds and holds. Epoxies can add a great amount of strength to a foundation as they are known for their static condition. The epoxy injection process begins by cleaning the crack and the surrounding area of all debris. Injection ports are then inserted along the length of the crack. The epoxy is then injected through the ports until the crack is completely sealed.

  • Polyurethane Resin
  • Polyurethane resins are known for their flexibility. Depending on the size and mobility of the crack, the poly resin will move with the wall during expansion and contraction of the surrounding soils. This specially formulated polyurethane can even be injected into actively leaking cracks, stopping water within minutes.

The advantages include:

  • Flexibility
  • Sealing qualities of foundation walls
  • Eliminating air leaks
  • Repairing made from the interior
  • Stopping active leaks
  • Reducing humidity and water vapor permeation

Although there is no ‘one size fits all’ foundation repair solution, protect your investment and seek the most reputable and experienced company ties to offer estimates.

What is the average cost of foundation repair?

A dollar bill

The cost of foundation repair differs greatly based upon many factors, including geographic location, severity of the repairs, size of the repair area, equipment and manpower required, and length of the repair time. According to HomeAdvisor, homeowners can expect to pay between $2,012 and $7,074 for standard foundation repairs. The national average of repairs is $4,542. 

Obviously, foundation repairs range in severity, and those that are more extensive could require piering, bringing the average to around $10,000. Without the expertise of a reputable foundation repair company, an estimate is simply a guess.

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What is the average cost of foundation repair?

dollar bill

The cost of foundation repair differs greatly based upon many factors, including geographic location, severity of the repairs, size of the repair area, equipment and manpower required, and length of the repair time. According to HomeAdvisor, homeowners can expect to pay between $2,012 and $7,074 for standard foundation repairs. The national average of repairs is $4,542. 

Obviously, foundation repairs range in severity, and those that are more extensive could require piering, bringing the average to around $10,000. Without the expertise of a reputable foundation repair company, an estimate is simply a guess.

How long does a foundation repair normally take?


A lot of factors determine how long it takes to repair a foundation, including the severity of the damage, type and location of the piering required, size of the foundation, and location of the damage. On average, foundation repair normally takes 1-3 days, but the homeowner should request a timeline from the foundation repair company for clarification.

An example of a factor that can affect how long it takes to repair a foundation include the age of the home. If a foundation is 100+ years old and maintenance and repairs have been avoided over the past several decades, the repairs could take longer. If the foundation is newer and is only out of level by an inch or two, the repairs will be minimal compared to a foundation that is 6+ inches out of level.

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How long does a foundation repair normally take?

hour glass

A lot of factors determine how long it takes to repair a foundation, including the severity of the damage, type and location of the piering required, size of the foundation, and location of the damage. On average, foundation repair normally takes 1-3 days, but the homeowner should request a timeline from the foundation repair company for clarification.

An example of a factor that can affect how long it takes to repair a foundation include the age of the home. If a foundation is 100+ years old and maintenance and repairs have been avoided over the past several decades, the repairs could take longer. If the foundation is newer and is only out of level by an inch or two, the repairs will be minimal compared to a foundation that is 6+ inches out of level.

How invasive is the foundation repair process?

The foundation repair process isn’t a spotless procedure, but it is contained and will have minimal disturbance to your household routine. Most of the repairs can be completed outside of the home, but we still need to keep in mind we may run into gas and sprinkler lines or water mains during the foundation repair process. Foundation repair cleanup should be done by the foundation repair company at the conclusion of the project. Some landscaping repairs and updates will need to be completed, including planting new grass or sod, placing the sprinkler heads back into the yard, and even sprucing up the area.

Professional working on a homes foundation
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How invasive is the foundation repair process?

The foundation repair process isn’t a spotless procedure, but it is contained and will have minimal disturbance to your household routine. Most of the repairs can be completed outside of the home, but we still need to keep in mind we may run into gas and sprinkler lines or water mains during the foundation repair process. Foundation repair cleanup should be done by the foundation repair company at the conclusion of the project. Some landscaping repairs and updates will need to be completed, including planting new grass or sod, placing the sprinkler heads back into the yard, and even sprucing up the area.

person filling cracks in a home's foundation

How long do foundation repairs typically last?

Home with a repaired foundation

The answer is… it depends. As much as we’d all like to know a definitive length of time foundation repairs typically last, it depends on so many factors. 

The less severe foundation repair needs, including cracks and epoxy fills, can last up to five years or longer. The more extensive foundation repairs should also last over five years, even up to a decade or more. Another factor that will impact this is a warranty. When reviewing your proposal from a foundation repair company, be sure you inquire specifically about the warranty and the length of time the repairs should sustain.

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How long do foundation repairs typically last?

cracks in a home's basement

The answer is… it depends. As much as we’d all like to know a definitive length of time foundation repairs typically last, it depends on so many factors. 

The less severe foundation repair needs, including cracks and epoxy fills, can last up to five years or longer. The more extensive foundation repairs should also last over five years, even up to a decade or more. Another factor that will impact this is a warranty. When reviewing your proposal from a foundation repair company, be sure you inquire specifically about the warranty and the length of time the repairs should sustain.

Can I wait on fixing my foundation?

Waiting on foundation repair is typically not a good idea. The longer you wait, the worse the damage will become, resulting in a more expensive and extensive repair. At the first signs of foundation repair, a homeowner should call a reputable foundation repair company for an assessment.

The assessment should outline the severity of the damage, providing an indication of your ability to wait on the repairs or repair immediately. Like any other home repair, the longer you wait, the worse the damage becomes. When it comes to your home’s foundation, which is the base of support for your entire home, waiting on repairs is not the safest answer.

RELATED: 3 Reasons Why Waiting to Have Your Foundation Repaired is a Bad Idea 

Foundation crack

Can I wait on fixing my foundation?

Waiting on foundation repair is typically not a good idea. The longer you wait, the worse the damage will become, resulting in a more expensive and extensive repair. At the first signs of foundation repair, a homeowner should call a reputable foundation repair company for an assessment.

The assessment should outline the severity of the damage, providing an indication of your ability to wait on the repairs or repair immediately. Like any other home repair, the longer you wait, the worse the damage becomes. When it comes to your home’s foundation, which is the base of support for your entire home, waiting on repairs is not the safest answer.

RELATED: 3 Reasons Why Waiting to Have Your Foundation Repaired is a Bad Idea 

horizontal cracks around the window frame

When is the best time to have your foundation repaired?

Foundation repair can truly happen anytime through the year. The Midwest is known for the four seasons, which can bring rain, sun, droughts, ice, and snow, and foundation repair can be performed under most weather conditions aside from a freeze or drought cycle. The ground can be frozen solid or bone dry, which could cause issues excavating the area for foundation repair.

One of the hardest aspects of foundation repair is getting on a reputable company’s schedule for a free estimate or to complete the work. Many insured, experienced, and top companies are booked out for several weeks or months, so that’s more of the consideration when it comes to the time of year than weather elements.

RELATED:  Can I get my foundation repaired in the winter?

4 seasons tree
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When is the best time to have your foundation repaired?

Foundation repair can truly happen anytime through the year. The Midwest is known for the four seasons, which can bring rain, sun, droughts, ice, and snow, and foundation repair can be performed under most weather conditions aside from a freeze or drought cycle. The ground can be frozen solid or bone dry, which could cause issues excavating the area for foundation repair.

One of the hardest aspects of foundation repair is getting on a reputable company’s schedule for a free estimate or to complete the work. Many insured, experienced, and top companies are booked out for several weeks or months, so that’s more of the consideration when it comes to the time of year than weather elements.

RELATED:  Can I get my foundation repaired in the winter?

4 seasons tree

How do I keep my newly repaired foundation from failing again?

After foundation repairs, you should follow any and all guidelines set forth by the foundation repair company to ensure your foundation maintains its integrity. Your foundation may settle a little after the repairs have been completed, which is normal.

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How do I keep my newly repaired foundation from failing again?

After foundation repairs, you should follow any and all guidelines set forth by the foundation repair company to ensure your foundation maintains its integrity. Your foundation may settle a little after the repairs have been completed, which is normal.

When can you fill foundation cracks?

Cracks in a basement foundation or crawl space wall are common anywhere, and when extreme weather fluctuates. The freeze/thaw cycle in winter allows for water to get into the cracks, freezing, then expanding, increasing the damage to your foundation, and making the cracks worse. Then the summer droughts can crumble and crackle to worsen.

Filling foundation cracks should be determined using the following factors: width and thickness of the crack and the surrounding area, foundation movement, and structural damage. If the crack is wider than 1/8-inch, it should be sealed. Cracks between 1/8 and ¼ of an inch often result from house settling or concrete shrinking within a few months after construction, and so may pose no structural problem.

There are two solutions for filling cracks:


  • Epoxy injection should be used for cracks that need to be structurally repaired and serves more as a barrier that bonds and holds. Epoxies can add a great amount of strength to a foundation as they are known for their static condition. The epoxy injection process begins by cleaning the crack and the surrounding area of all debris. Injection ports are then inserted along the length of the crack. The epoxy is then injected through the ports until the crack is completely sealed.


  • Polyurethane resins are known for their flexibility. Depending on the size and mobility of the crack, the poly resin will move with the wall during expansion and contraction of the surrounding soils. This specially formulated polyurethane can even be injected into actively leaking cracks, stopping water within minutes.

The advantages include:

  • Flexibility
  • Sealing qualities of foundation walls
  • Eliminating air leaks
  • Repairing made from the interior
  • Stopping active leaks
  • Reducing humidity and water vapor permeation

Related: Most Effective Way to Repair Foundation Cracks

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When can you fill foundation cracks?

Cracks in a basement foundation or crawl space wall are common anywhere, and when extreme weather fluctuates. The freeze/thaw cycle in winter allows for water to get into the cracks, freezing, then expanding, increasing the damage to your foundation, and making the cracks worse. Then the summer droughts can crumble and crackle to worsen.

Filling foundation cracks should be determined using the following factors: width and thickness of the crack and the surrounding area, foundation movement, and structural damage. If the crack is wider than 1/8-inch, it should be sealed. Cracks between 1/8 and ¼ of an inch often result from house settling or concrete shrinking within a few months after construction, and so may pose no structural problem.

There are two solutions for filling cracks:


  • Epoxy injection should be used for cracks that need to be structurally repaired and serves more as a barrier that bonds and holds. Epoxies can add a great amount of strength to a foundation as they are known for their static condition. The epoxy injection process begins by cleaning the crack and the surrounding area of all debris. Injection ports are then inserted along the length of the crack. The epoxy is then injected through the ports until the crack is completely sealed.


  • Polyurethane resins are known for their flexibility. Depending on the size and mobility of the crack, the poly resin will move with the wall during expansion and contraction of the surrounding soils. This specially formulated polyurethane can even be injected into actively leaking cracks, stopping water within minutes.

The advantages include:

  • Flexibility
  • Sealing qualities of foundation walls
  • Eliminating air leaks
  • Repairing made from the interior
  • Stopping active leaks
  • Reducing humidity and water vapor permeation

Related: Most Effective Way to Repair Foundation Cracks

Are all foundation cracks bad?

Not all foundation cracks are bad. If the crack is wider than 1/8-inch, it should be sealed. Cracks between 1/8 and ¼ of an inch often result from house settling or concrete shrinking within a few months after construction, and so may pose no structural problem. These cracks can be filled with epoxy or polyurethane resin. If the foundation cracks are larger than ¼” wide, other options are available and should be evaluated.

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Are all foundation cracks bad?

Not all foundation cracks are bad. If the crack is wider than 1/8-inch, it should be sealed. Cracks between 1/8 and ¼ of an inch often result from house settling or concrete shrinking within a few months after construction, and so may pose no structural problem. These cracks can be filled with epoxy or polyurethane resin. If the foundation cracks are larger than ¼” wide, other options are available and should be evaluated.

foundation repair

Will grading and drainage take care of all future foundation problems?

Grading and drainage will help stabilize and reduce your foundation problems but will not completely prevent future damage. Each situation is obviously different, so receiving a professional assessment is imperative.

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Will grading and drainage take care of all future foundation problems?

Grading and drainage will help stabilize and reduce your foundation problems but will not completely prevent future damage. Each situation is obviously different, so receiving a professional assessment is imperative.

downspout leaking water

Can you sell a home with foundation issues?

The short answer is yes, technically you can sell a home with foundation issues, however that will make for an unsettling real estate process. When a homeowner is listing their home, you must reveal anything that is currently wrong with the home. Withholding information on foundation issues can result in a legal mess, expensive repairs that fall on the seller’s shoulders, and trust issues throughout the process.

Let’s say you make it all the way through the stage of accepting an offer. What’s next? An inspection. Your foundation issues will be found during the inspection. It’s always the best practice to be honest, upfront, and transparent with any and all issues during your home selling process.

Can you sell a home with foundation issues?

The short answer is yes, technically you can sell a home with foundation issues, however that will make for an unsettling real estate process. When a homeowner is listing their home, you must reveal anything that is currently wrong with the home. Withholding information on foundation issues can result in a legal mess, expensive repairs that fall on the seller’s shoulders, and trust issues throughout the process.

Let’s say you make it all the way through the stage of accepting an offer. What’s next? An inspection. Your foundation issues will be found during the inspection. It’s always the best practice to be honest, upfront, and transparent with any and all issues during your home selling process.

Do you have to disclose foundation problems when selling a home?

You should disclose foundation problems when selling. Withholding information on foundation issues can result in a legal mess, expensive repairs that fall on the seller’s shoulders, and trust issues throughout the process. Let’s say you make it all the way through the stage of accepting an offer.

What’s next? An inspection. Your foundation issues will be found during the inspection. It’s always the best practice to be honest, upfront, and transparent with all issues during your home selling process.

Do you have to disclose foundation problems when selling a home?

You should disclose foundation problems when selling. Withholding information on foundation issues can result in a legal mess, expensive repairs that fall on the seller’s shoulders, and trust issues throughout the process. Let’s say you make it all the way through the stage of accepting an offer.

What’s next? An inspection. Your foundation issues will be found during the inspection. It’s always the best practice to be honest, upfront, and transparent with all issues during your home selling process.

A home with a 2 car garage
25% of all homes will experience some structural distress
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Should I purchase a home with Foundation Issues?

Buying a home with known foundation issues is setting yourself up for a challenging and expensive purchase. However, depending on the situation (foreclosure, great neighborhood and opportunity, real estate investment, etc.), you most certainly can purchase a home with foundation issues, but it’s fiscally sound to know exactly the extent of those damages before signing any paperwork.

If the damages are extremely costly, and you are not ready or able to fulfill those repairs, the house is not a good option for your needs. However, if you know and understand the severity of the foundation repair damages and still view the investment worthy, the home could be a great purchase.

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Should I purchase a home with Foundation Issues?

Buying a home with known foundation issues is setting yourself up for a challenging and expensive purchase. However, depending on the situation (foreclosure, great neighborhood and opportunity, real estate investment, etc.), you most certainly can purchase a home with foundation issues, but it’s fiscally sound to know exactly the extent of those damages before signing any paperwork.

If the damages are extremely costly, and you are not ready or able to fulfill those repairs, the house is not a good option for your needs. However, if you know and understand the severity of the foundation repair damages and still view the investment worthy, the home could be a great purchase.

Can new construction homes have foundation issues?

According to, 25% of all new homes ultimately suffer from some type of structural distress. Many times, these issues center on foundation problems caused by settlement and the soil under the foundation.

A home foundation being built
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Can new construction homes have foundation issues?

According to, 25% of all new homes ultimately suffer from some type of structural distress. Many times, these issues center on foundation problems caused by settlement and the soil under the foundation.

new home preconstruction

Does Foundation Repair Come With A Warranty?

Not all foundation repair companies offer the same warranty. As a homeowner, you should ask questions about the warranty being offered…

  • How long does it last?
  • What does it cover?
  • Can I extend the warranty time frame?

Not all warranties should be compared as apples to apples.

Green apples
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Does Foundation Repair Come With A Warranty?

Not all foundation repair companies offer the same warranty. As a homeowner, you should ask questions about the warranty being offered…

  • How long does it last?
  • What does it cover?
  • Can I extend the warranty time frame?

Not all warranties should be compared as apples to apples.

yellow apple

How do you select a reputable Foundation Repair company?

A homeowner typically doesn't have the amount of time needed to research every foundation repair company in their area, so here are some tips to find the best foundation repair company:


  • Visit Google reviews to find the most honest (both good and bad) feedback on a particular company. If you see many red flags, run...
  • Check out our reviews HERE


  • Ask a company... what is your experience with repairing projects similar to mine? How many years have you been in business? Are you insured? Licensed? Warrantied?

  • Not all foundation repair companies are the same. Some focus on doing the job as quickly as possible, allowing for an easy way to make mistakes or perform less than ideal results. Other companies are experienced, thorough and skilled to perform the work properly. The obvious company is the latter of the two described.


  • Ask the company for a list of references to call. Again, if the company stalls in getting these to you... run...

Warrantied Work:

  • This can be one of the biggest differentiators. Warranties are not all created equal. Warranty terms can range from one year to five to lifetime, so it's important to understand what is included in the warranty being offered by each company you are speaking to about your project. Ask for the specifics on the warranty being offered... and get it in writing.


  • If the foundation company is ready and willing to come to your home the next day... red flag. Many foundation companies are booked for weeks to months out, so having one that is able to fit you in so quickly can be alarming.


  • Some foundation contractors are eager, and a bit blurred on the accuracy of the estimate they provide. Be aware of fine print on the estimate, as some contractors under bid the project, but include a clause that allows them to charge extra for each pound of concrete used to repair the foundation. This fine print clause can result in hundreds and hundreds of dollars over your estimated price.

At the end of the day, the best source of experience is from someone who has used the company. Ask around. Ask questions. Ask for References.

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How do you select a reputable Foundation Repair company?

A homeowner typically doesn't have the amount of time needed to research every foundation repair company in their area, so here are some tips to find the best foundation repair company:


  • Visit Google reviews to find the most honest (both good and bad) feedback on a particular company. If you see many red flags, run...
  • Check out our reviews HERE


  • Ask a company... what is your experience with repairing projects similar to mine? How many years have you been in business? Are you insured? Licensed? Warrantied?

  • Not all foundation repair companies are the same. Some focus on doing the job as quickly as possible, allowing for an easy way to make mistakes or perform less than ideal results. Other companies are experienced, thorough and skilled to perform the work properly. The obvious company is the latter of the two described.


  • Ask the company for a list of references to call. Again, if the company stalls in getting these to you... run...

Warrantied Work:

  • This can be one of the biggest differentiators. Warranties are not all created equal. Warranty terms can range from one year to five to lifetime, so it's important to understand what is included in the warranty being offered by each company you are speaking to about your project. Ask for the specifics on the warranty being offered... and get it in writing.


  • If the foundation company is ready and willing to come to your home the next day... red flag. Many foundation companies are booked for weeks to months out, so having one that is able to fit you in so quickly can be alarming.


  • Some foundation contractors are eager, and a bit blurred on the accuracy of the estimate they provide. Be aware of fine print on the estimate, as some contractors under bid the project, but include a clause that allows them to charge extra for each pound of concrete used to repair the foundation. This fine print clause can result in hundreds and hundreds of dollars over your estimated price.

At the end of the day, the best source of experience is from someone who has used the company. Ask around. Ask questions. Ask for References.

What should be my expectations when hiring a foundation company?

Your expectations when hiring a foundation company should be established from beginning.

A few items you should request full transparency on include: 


  • The estimate should include all the elements needing repairs; no hidden expenses.


  • When did the company suggest they can begin? They should communicate any schedule changes to you directly.


  • What can the homeowner expect the foundation repair process to look like? How long will the company be at your home completing the changes?


  • How long has the company been in business? Ask for referrals, references, and project pictures.


  • The warranty should be spelled out. What does it cover? Exclude? Length of time?

What should be my expectations when hiring a foundation company?

Your expectations when hiring a foundation company should be established from beginning.

A few items you should request full transparency on include: 


  • The estimate should include all the elements needing repairs; no hidden expenses.


  • When did the company suggest they can begin? They should communicate any schedule changes to you directly.


  • What can the homeowner expect the foundation repair process to look like? How long will the company be at your home completing the changes?


  • How long has the company been in business? Ask for referrals, references, and project pictures.


  • The warranty should be spelled out. What does it cover? Exclude? Length of time?

Full Resource Guide PDF

Thank you for reading this Ultimate  Foundation Repair Guide. We hope you found the content helpful, resourceful, and applicable to foundation issues and solutions you may encounter. If you have any further questions or would like a professional inspection, please give us a call. PierMagic Foundation Specialists services all of the Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas metro regions. To download this guide as a PDF, please click here.

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